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Hotel-Helicopter: The world's first flying hotel

Since 2004, the company has been creating a flying hotel, the Soviet Mi-12 was taken as the basis, and it became the world's first twice as the “largest helicopter” and “first flying hotel”.


As you might have guessed, the stuffing aboard the Hotelicopter is far from the standard motel. This giant future machine, the Titanic, has everything you expect from a 5-star hotel - from private entertainment systems and top-class room service, medical treatments, yoga classes, games and a tea garden.


If you're wondering how it all flies, then look at the characteristics:


The first flight took place on June 26 at an unknown price. Obviously, only this will interest only rich people, but anyone who is interested can visit the Hotelicopter website and get information about booking rooms.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55758/

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