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Microsoft moves to the “software as a service” model

Today, Microsoft upgraded Hosted Messaging and Collaboration (HMC) packages to 4.0 and Windows Based Hosting (WBH) to 4.5, thus allowing application providers to provide SharePoint Services 3.0 and Exchange Server 2007 functionality over the network.

The fourth version of the HMC supports the new features of Exchange 2007, including improved interaction with Windows Mobile clients, better e-mail filtering, support for 64-bit architecture and advanced server administration. In the fall, another HMC upgrade will take place to provide support for Office Communications Server 2007 , which is due in summer.

WBH version 4.5 includes SQL Server and a guide on how to install it for hosted services. Similarly (through the hosted service), SharePoint functionality is now available. He, in turn, allows you to run from the server "lightweight" versions of Microsoft Project, CRM Live and other corporate programs.

via InternetNews.com


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5575/

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