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Dmitry Patratsky - Marketing in Crisis Russia (master class)

The Brainstream project supports healthy capitalism and is an information bridge between the present and the future of Russian business. Simply put, we give the business community the opportunity to pass on their invaluable experience to the younger generation. Live performances are supported by active blogging and new media. We are for the information to be open.

Presented here is the last of the Brainstream seminars, conducted jointly with the Institute of Business .
The invited guest is Dmitry Patratsky.

2000-2006 - Advertising Director, Euroset
2006 - Head of the advertising department of the bank "VTB24"
2007-2008 - Marketing Director of TS-Retail
2008 - Vice President of Marketing and Advertising for Euroset

Healthy capitalism, creation, the theory of X, marketing, consumer culture and more. Cases on the example of Euroset.

The seminar is voluminous, more than an hour. It will be interesting to hear your opinions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55737/

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