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“Gifts” in social networks - new ideas

Many social networks offer users such a paid service as "gifts". Usually, these are symbolic attention signs presented in the form of pictures that can be presented to another user by paying for a gift with sms. The typical cost of gifts ranges from a dollar to $ 7 per piece.

We thought: what can we invent a new, unusual, interesting in this area? And dedicated to the topic of gifts recent meeting of the club Brain Exchange . The meeting participants generated new ideas in a brainstorming format, so some of the ideas may seem strange or not suitable - but surely they can be developed into something useful. We share these ideas with everyone. So, what we came up with (in the order of ideas):

As we see, in the process of brainstorming, very diverse ideas are born :) Not all thoughts are listed here - see the full list of ideas on the BrainEx.ru website. See - and realize whatever you want! We are happy to share these ideas with all web-developers: you see, gifts on the Internet will become more diverse and interesting.

PS Actually, the Brain Exchange club was created in order to solve interesting problems together, invent entirely new web solutions and discover new approaches to existing ones. Next time we meet on Wednesday 1st of April. The topic of discussion is being chosen right now by voting - come vote , and if none like it, offer your own . At meetings, we usually have a fun and friendly atmosphere in which brilliant ideas are born :) Come :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55714/

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