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wonderful old man

I once sat in a park and watched passersby. earlier, when there was more free time, I especially loved this activity. he himself called him "contemplative ftykos." you sit quietly on the bench, not paying attention to yourself, and secretly zykaesh around. while quietly voiced by the observed character.

so. on that day, a funny old man came to me ...

he walked on to himself, slowly and as if zealously striding through the puddles, and left traces behind him. it turned out wet and curved line. at the same time, he himself was spying on them, and as if the child seemed to be glad to shit up. but he did it with restraint, because the duck was modest. Well, that is, it would be possible to notice, just specially watching him. while walking alongside pedestrians, this eccentric was a damn.
I didn’t pay attention to it either. only when he came back and deliberately stepped on his own wet tracks, I understood - oh! sticks out man caught the wave, and rushing it is not for fun. when a pack of cigarettes came across on his way, he relishly crushed it. for a moment he seemed to stop, and a smirk ran down his face. “Wow, buzz!”, I thought for him. “Aha, nehilo” - he remarked to me, having radiantly and friendlyly bared prosthetic. winked even, it seems. not that i'm freaking out. it was just that the chocolate bar began to sharpen more intensely and with a look it drilled a hollow in the tree opposite. like, I have nothing to do with, ask what - I will answer.

when he began to move away, I looked at him a little. it seems quite normal. dressed neatly, without wildness. the shoes are clearly not garbage, very decent. arrows on the pants. on his hand it seemed as if the bracelet from the watch flashed. head does not seem too shaking suspiciously. with this detail, I almost spent it in my mind.

What was my surprise when he suddenly turned around and, looking at the sky, began to run again in the opposite direction. his coat was fluttering from side to side, like wings of a mysterious and mysterious monster. when he drew level with the puddle, he didn’t really stop or just ran around her. from all the dispersal, he swept over her like a wonderful tank, scaring the pigeons and passers-by in spray. it was evident that he did not do it on purpose. he just stared at the sky all the time and did not see what was under his feet. I also looked at the sky - what a miracle there is? but apart from the blue sky and the rare beautiful white clouds he saw nothing there.

Meanwhile, the old man stopped, stood for a while, breathed happily, looking around, and mysteriously headed in my direction. it made me even more interested. “Nifigase, thing ..” - I thought suddenly. at the same time I understood - “the ambush burned down”.

and imagine what he told me? ..

- “Wow! .. .. you know, clouds are the best friends in the world! wherever you go - they always go next to you !!! they are always with you on the way !!! Ainane Nane! ”- and in his face was the most sincere joy in the world.

I have a little diaper from the pleasure of bursting. in, rushing dude! and eyes like not red.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5571/

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