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And what internet service do you personally lack?

Something rolled on Friday at the end of the working day and this question was born. And I wanted to ask it. Here I ask ...

PS I wanted to throw him in “Startups”, and then I thought, and here he will be fine ...

UPD - 5:30 p.m. Yes, do not minus, but ... Really interesting answers!
UPD2 - 17:42. The hunt is to find out the opinions of people, to debate, to standpoint points of view. To form some new idea. Well damn! To share my opinion, finally ...

UPD3 - 18:02. Interesting answers will be transferred here.

1. mebius - March 27, 2009, 18:10 - link to comment below

It is already time to create a centralized start-up, the content of which will be created on the basis and thanks to dissatisfaction with existing services or lack of services.

And there you look - 5,000 people want to get a high-quality RSS aggregator with a customizable news selection filter for topics, 3500 wants a note to the deceased Google Notebook with the ability to work offline. Here and direct targeting will be for the creators of startups.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55703/

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