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Free wifi for some sites

Now everyone has the opportunity to view livejournal.com, livejournal.ru and gazeta.ru for free via Beeline WiFi, that is, almost anywhere in Moscow. Everything is simple - we turn on WiFi on a laptop (PDA / communicator / smartphone, someone likes it), select the Beeline WiFi network, automatically go to the Beeline WiFi home page, click on a special banner, and sit for an hour in the LiveJournal and the newspaper. RU. But the hour is not the limit: having done the same manipulations, the session can be repeated.

The action is pleasant because the city’s Beeline WiFi network is the largest in the world (more than 15,000 access points). Especially well covered center, which naturally pleases :)

Details on www.internet.beeline.ru


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55695/

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