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Pointless spam evolution

The other day I received an amusing message through the channels of the well-known social network B Kontakte:

“Hey Boris, listen, I'm sick of getting spam from you! here vkontakte.defenceofspam.ru pass antispam check "

As you guessed, vkontakte.defenceofspam.ru is a classic phishing link, the purpose of which is to steal your username with a password.

And the message itself is built well, agree. Immediately it becomes even insulting to such an accusation: am I a spammer? !!! Eh ... This would be creativity but for something good.

In general, spam is slowly beginning to drown in itself. For example, a significant part of malicious messages in Vkontakte is aimed at taking possession of your account, that is, to make it a tool for a spammer, and not to advertise any product or service.

And that's fine. Using spam as an advertising tool especially now is very difficult to understand. There is a huge mass of low-cost contextual advertising services, to which there is much more confidence than to an incomprehensible letter that has fallen into the “doubtful” folder. Yes, and targeting orders higher. Or for example seo optimization.

The only niche for spammers is, of course, pornography. Well, nezokonnuyu thing can be clearly advertised only in an illegal way. There they are and the road :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55682/

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