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Google is looking for lobbyists in Europe

Google Inc. has begun an active search in European countries for lobbyists who would help the company to defend their interests on various issues: from copyright to privacy.

The search for suitable candidates (they should have wide connections in political circles) began in at least ten countries. For a negotiated fee, these people will contribute to making the right decisions in the field of privacy, freedom of speech, copyright, competition, security, regulation of online content, advertising and technology.

The creation of the “Google Lobby” began a year ago, when the corporation hired several influential lobbyists in Washington. Since then, the position of Google in Europe has deteriorated to the limit: the company obviously reacted late to the occurrence of dangerous conflicts .
According to one of the Internet lobbyists who chose to remain anonymous, Google is becoming too influential to allow itself not to interfere in politics.

via Financial Times

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5568/

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