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Characteristics of the North Korean TD-2 / Unha-2

As you know, in a week, the DPRK plans to test a ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear charge. Koreans claim that they use it only to put a satellite into orbit. All information is kept strictly confidential, but some details are still known.

The DPRK reported to the Maritime Transport Commission the coordinates of two “dangerous zones” in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Pacific Ocean, in the region of which it does not recommend merchant ships to be located from 4 to 8 April. Apparently, these are areas of the alleged fall of the first and second stages of the rocket.

According to experts, only one type of rocket can match this trajectory. This is a TD-2 / Unha-2 rocket weighing 78 tons with a diameter of 2.25 m, on kerosene and nitric acid with a carrying capacity of 100 kg (if launched as a ballistic missile, 500 kg). Of course, compared to the 2006 model, the Koreans have made some technical progress, but not much. The rocket launched by Iran in February was more advanced.

The remaining characteristics of the DPRK rocket under habrakat.

via New Scientist

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55676/

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