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Ubuntu 9.04 Beta 1 released

The first beta version of Ubuntu 9.04 has been released.
The main innovations of the desktop edition of Ubuntu 9.04: a significant download acceleration, the transition to GNOME 2.26, KDE 4.2.1, OpenOffice.org 3.0.1, X.Org server 1.6 and the implementation of a new method of outputting system notifications and status indicators in the user interface (volume change , detection of a wifi network, readiness of USB Flash for extraction, etc.). The newly received notifications line up on the screen in a queue and look ephemeral, i.e. they do not require any reaction from the user and are hidden automatically and initially positioned as a means of intermediate information (the user is invited to view the details or take some actions directly in the application that generated the notification).
In the server edition of Ubuntu 9.04, a universal package (dovecot-postfix) has been added for quick deployment of a mail server (SMTP, POP3, IMAP with TLS and SASL) based on Postfix and Dovecot IMAP. Another server-based innovation is the integration of the Eucalyptus system, which allows you to create an Amazon EC2 (EC2) compatible cloud infrastructure for transparently running virtual machine images based on your own set of servers from Xen (renting slots for running virtual machines).

Of the applications included in the distribution kit, the following can be noted: GCC 4.3.3, glibc 2.9, Linux kernel, Python 2.6.1, Apache 2.2, PostgreSQL 8.3, PHP 5.2.6, LTSP 5.1.

Some other improvements:
- Integrated support for the ext4 file system, which can now be selected during installation via the Ubuntu Installer interface. It has been decided that the default ext4 file system will be used starting with the release of Ubuntu 9.10;
- The installer Ubiquity has the ability to encrypt the contents of individual home directories of users. In release 8.10, the “Private” catalog was introduced for storing private data, the data in which is stored in encrypted form, at 9.04 the functionality was expanded with encryption of home directories as a whole. In addition, many small improvements were noted in the installer, for example, a new graphical interface for choosing the time zone was implemented, and a form for language selection was improved.
- Support for optimizing the font size depending on the size of the monitor (earlier it was always 96dpi by default). You can change the settings through the menu System / Preferences / Appearance / Fonts / Details.
- The included open source driver for ATI Radeon cards was transferred from XAA acceleration architecture to EXA;
- Ability to install wine when trying to run windows program, something like this is now done for multimedia codecs. Setting up parameters for Windows programs will be greatly simplified; instead of launching winecfg, the ability to set wine parameters will be integrated into the system menu (system / preferences / windows applications).
- The X.Org configuration file editor has been created , aimed at changing driver parameters. It is also forbidden to restart the X server by pressing ctrl-alt-backspace, development of tools for automated testing of all aspects of X.org is underway;
- The introduction of a new mechanism for installing media codecs;
- Ability to add repositories through the Atpurl utility
Separately, Ubuntu developers are asked to test the hibernation system, the operation of the hot keys, and install the new kerneloops daemon, which accumulates data on failures in the Linux kernel.
You can download it here or here.
(c) opennet.ru


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55652/

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