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Your cell phone is dirtier than the toilet

image Mobile phones can not be infected by computer viruses, but your device can be any great place for habitat of ordinary bacteria and viruses.

According to researchers, mobile phones are the main carriers of infection in hospitals, which is why more and more hospitals are asked to sterilize your gadget with a special napkin before entering the room.

And all this is not surprising, we constantly take the phone in our hands, without thinking about the cleanliness of our hands, speak it, even if we are sick. And your pockets and body heat - a great environment for the growth of microorganisms.
The researchers of Ondokuz Mayis (Turkey) took for the test 200 mobile phones of their employees, as well as people from the street who agreed to take part in the experiment. As a result, scientists have received discouraging numbers, all 100% of the phones were covered from head to toe with harmful bacteria.

There are several ways to protect yourself, the easiest way is to wipe the phone with alcohol-containing solutions (not your stomach, but your phone!;)).
You can also use bluetooth headset to reduce the number of touches of your phone.

via trashbox.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55630/

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