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Search by comments.

I do not know how everyone, I personally love Habr. If I miss something, I start to experience information hunger. When Habr was young, articles were published; notes, smart links and thoughts were made. Literally two days ago, I really wanted to play one Flash game, I remembered that I saw it on a Habré - I called it, I can't find it. Maybe the search by comment would help, but it is not. This is not the first time that I have either seen something, but somehow I did not remember it, and then we start a weary search. So can still do a search for comments?

PS If, nevertheless, someone knows about the game, write down :)
It begins with the fact that a tram rides through the woods, then stops and disembarks the pioneers with them, then we go through various obstacles.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55629/

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