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TC50 2009

TechCrunch50 Dates Announced

You can write to the calendars:
San Francisco September 14-15, 2009

Last time were:
2000 participants
250 presented projects
200 venture capitalists
150 members of the press
Tickets can now be bought for 995 dollars (after they will cost 2950).

This is really the main industry event. Highly recommend a visit.

For ours this also became a very important event.

In 2007, Viewdle (which has Ukrainian roots) entered the finals, which was written here more than once (the company is now at the forefront of recognizing faces in videos), after that the Viewdle guys took several prestigious prizes at other contests, they were talked about tops google and other companies.

In 2008, two Ukrainian startups ( Senderok and Clienteq ), one consulting company, participated in Demopit on Techchrunch50. I spotted a Russian (sole) Alexey Kostarev from i-Jet at an event. I sincerely hope that in 2009 the countries of our region will be represented more massively.

TC50 Announcement on TC

On the news and insider I will write on my blog

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55624/

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