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Q4wine - installation of Windows-games in Wine in pictures

In this article I will describe the installation of Windows-games in Wine through Q4Wine.
For example, I'll take TrackMania Nations Forever.

I think Q4Wine is already installed. If not, visit the program page , or take it from the GIT repository .
Gentoo ebuilds are available in the qting-edge overlay.


1. Create a new prefix.

Open q4wine, go to the Prefixes tab, and click Create New Magic Wand.

The first wizard window will appear, click Next:


In the next window, specify the name of the prefix, and the path to it, the Create Wine Fake Drive checkbox should be checked.


There is no need to change anything in the next window, so I missed it. However, if you want to use, say, an older version of Wine, you should specify the paths to executable files and libraries.

In the next window, we are attached to mount a CD-drive to install the game from the disk. We don’t need it, if you need to install your game from disk, select / dev / cdrom (or whatever drive you have) and mount point.


In the last window you just need to click Finish.

2. Creating a Wine Disc

After you have finished creating the prefix, the Wine virtual disk creation wizard will open.

In the first step, click Next.

In the second step, specify the user name, organization, the necessary version of Windows. If you want to use Qt colors, check the “Use QT Palette” checkbox.


In the third step, you can specify the browser and email program, but we do not need it.

In the fourth step, you need to specify the following parameters:

Multisampling: enable or disable multisampling.
D3DRenderer: it is better to leave Default here.
LockMode: Default.
OffscreenMode: Default.
UseGLSL: enabled
Video Memory: The size of the video card's memory in megabytes.

WARNING: change the parameters I mentioned above, if you know what you are doing!

That's what happened with me:


All the parameters listed above are changed through the Wine registry: wiki.winehq.org/UsefulRegistryKeys

In the next window you need to specify the parameters of the driver X11. Change if you know what you are doing!
Click Finish.

3. Install DirectX

Click the Setup -> System Software tab. In the Current prefix list, select the prefix that is used when installing the game.


Click Run Winetricks, then Install Winetricks.


In the same window, select directx9, and click Install. After installing DirectX, click Exit.

4. The actual installation of the game

In the main program window, right-click and click New to create a new directory. Call her.
Select the directory, in the context menu, click Run.

This window will appear:


Enter the path to the exe file of the installer, the arguments (if necessary), click Ok.

The installer will start, install the game.

Actually, voila, everything is ready!

And thank brezerk, and me personally, for creating Q4Wine!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55619/

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