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Sync: MacBook, Nokia, SonyEricsson and gmail

Recently, fate made me pair up with a Sony Ericsson W950i smartphone a second cell phone. The choice fell on a simple Nokia 2630 . And a macbook is available. It would be necessary to sort out notebooks from phone to phone. But having more than five hundred contacts with a bunch of data in each, neither copying through a SIM card will save, nor throwing away business cards one by one via bluetooth - this option will be very dreary.
So a volitional decision was made to pervert to the fullest.

I made a plan like this:

  1. Drop all the notes from SE w950i on MacBook ;
  2. There, it should be properly put in order, information should be added to contacts (such as IM, e-mail, birthday, etc.), combed everything and get rid of debris and “corpses”;
  3. Pour the resulting on both mobile phones and in the address book of the gmail- ovskogo box;
  4. Enjoy the result! ;-)

1. Exporting a notebook to a MacBook ...

... turned out to be the easiest and fastest of our plans. We make a backup of the notebook, getting a vcf- file at the output. File we throw on the beacon on the poppy, click on it and get the offer to import all these contacts into the poppy Address Book :
Picture 1
We agree. Everything, it is possible to pass to the second point.

2. We put in order the notebook

Over time, each person has their own habits in terms of storing and organizing information. Someone is satisfied with a complete mess, someone strives for absolute ideals, a la "each file has its own place." I, like most users, somewhere in the middle, i.e. sometimes I feel that everything! Stop! it's time to clear the Augean stables. But you need to do it with the least effort. For laziness. So, the first step in favor of laziness is made: it is much more convenient to edit names-phone-mails on Big Brother behind a full-fledged keyboard than to wield with a stylus or press tiny buttons on a phone.
The point is the second optimization: let's create a template.

I made myself this:
Picture 2
And it took a few hours of careful copy-and-pasteing, renaming and additions: birthdays, URLs, jabberes, skype (the latter, however, had to be added to Notes ) ...

Uff! .. Everything! Hooray! Pleasure to watch. For the sake of completeness, you can also get another widget from the standard delivery on the Dashboard :
Picture 3
Damn, so that I used to use addressbooks on my computer in the “Windows” or “Linux” times! Yes, no zhist! And here I constantly use it because it is convenient and very fast.

3. Total synchronization

Here we come to the point, because of which this article, in fact, was started. As you remember, we need to synchronize notebooks with three “devices”. And with each I caught at least one rake.

3.1 SE w950i

Once the Address Book has perfectly eaten what the smartphone has provided to him, then, in theory, everything should be fine and go back. I delete all contacts from the smart note. I export all the notes from the poppy into a single vcf file:
Picture 4
Smart as well as the Address Book of the first paragraph, offers to throw all contacts into the depths of your notebook. He thinks long and painfully and gives out: “the file is corrupted!”. I try to repeat the operation several times - the result is unchanged.
I remember that somewhere I saw iSync application - I connect a smart one through it. The synchronization process begins, which ends with an allert that 17 contacts (and each time are different!) Could not be transferred. I was looking for a long time where the dog rummaged, it turned out that vCard 's should be exported in the format of version 2.1, and not in the 3rd, as I had configured by default:
Picture 5
The first is ready.

3.2 Nokia 2630

And just a bummer! Nokia doesn’t want to understand a multi-part vCard . One business card - please, and all at once - FIG you! And iSync does not know such a model. Even, one might say, does not suspect about it. The official sites neither Apple nor Nokia help, just link to each other, they say, you look for plug-ins for your phone wherever you want. But, as always, Google helps - it leads me to the site of James Lloyd, the geek and IT evangelist, who wrote the plug-in for Symbian series 40 that I needed (this OS is installed on many Nokia phone models, including 2630).
Further, the instruction from the site of James, in my free translation / retelling:
  1. Go to Applications , find iSync there, right click on it and select "Show package content":

    Picture 6
  2. We pass the path: Contents / PlugIns / ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice / Contents / PlugIns Nokia-6131.phoneplugin:

  3. Again, right-click and select "Show package content" , go down even lower - Contents / Resources:

  4. Make a backup of the MetaClasses.plist file (but not in the same folder!)
  5. Copy the contents of the plugin from the site of James in this file

After rebooting, iSync immediately recognized its own and synchronized contacts ( Attention! Only via bluetooth! ).

3.3 GMail

Third, last rake ;-)
Go to your box, Contacts / Import :

And we see that the guys from Google want to get a file with contacts in CSV format from us, and recommend using A to G softphone to synchronize Address Book and GMail . I don’t know what kind of poppies they have there in the Mountain View , but A to G refused to work for me flatly. But immediately there was an alternative in the form of Address Book Exporter , which created the necessary CSV file that I fed GMail 'at. The latter turned out to be a fine fellow: he compared all contacts and did not allow coincidences.


He's point 4 - enjoy the result! ;-)
Everything is fine now, today I even found that iCal sucked all the birthdays from Address Book to itself.
But there is no limit to perfection: I want to somehow find a way to extend the functionality of iSync or find a worthy replacement for it. For example, it is not clear how to specify which contacts in which direction to merge. If I accidentally deleted an e-mail from a contact on a mobile phone, then when synchronizing, iSync stubbornly wants to delete this e-mail from the contact on the poppy. What is there to do?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55612/

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