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opening speech

Good all the time of day.

In school, I had only two and three for my compositions, so at once I am sorry for the awkward syllable in this and the next topics =)

A recent survey showed that habra people are interested in developing issues for unix-like operating systems. Therefore, it was decided to create this blog. Its subject matter is somewhat broader than originally conceived (C programming under * nix - it just so happens that I only know this programming language well), but I naively hope that conscious habraudi will help with filling the blog with articles on topics I don’t I have no idea =)
I would like to hear wishes in the comments, what would you like to see in this blog, in what key of the article (“for the smallest” or for experienced coders), on what topics, etc.
All success.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55608/

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