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Questions Mitchell Baker (Mozilla)

Surprise for Mozilla fans!

Tomorrow, on March 27, a joint press briefing by Yandex and the Mozilla Foundation will take place in Moscow. The event will be attended by Mitchell Baker ( Mitchell Baker ), chairman of the Mozilla Foundation , and Arkady Volozh, CEO of Yandex.

Of course, we will be there and we will try to ask Mrs. Baker many interesting questions that we expect from you in the comments on this topic until tomorrow morning. The most original and interesting questions will surely be heard along with ours in an interview with Mitchell Baker, and her answers will be published later in the blog.
In addition, throughout the meeting, Arthur Welf ( art_of_press ), who is also invited to the press briefing, will conduct a live twitter-report with the hashtag #habr , so be prepared.

We look forward to your questions until tomorrow afternoon.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55604/

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