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Police searched the owner's house Wikileaks.de

On Tuesday, at 21:00 local time, seven policemen in Dresden and four in Jena broke into houses owned by Theodor Reppe, in whose name the domain Wikileaks.de is registered, the mirror of the main site Wikileaks.org , which publishes secret documents of American and European special services and other valuable materials that are hidden from the public. For example, recently there were published secret IP addresses of German intelligence and a whole archive of reports of the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which are distributed only among members of Congress.

It is not known what “offense” Wikileaks attracted the attention of the German police. They called “search for evidence” and “distribution of pornographic materials” as a formal reason for the search. The operation was carried out without warning and the police refused to provide the victim with additional information about the objectives and results of the search.

Theodore Reppe is one of the sponsors of the Wikileaks project and pays for hosting German servers from his own pocket. In addition, it also supports the work of one of the German Tor anonymous surfing servers ( morphium.info ).
A scanned copy of the police search report can be downloaded here .

via Wikileaks

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55599/

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