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Advertising billboard for passers

Toshiba began testing a new generation of interactive billboard in Tokyo that not only displays ads, but also serves as a screen for multiplayer games. Passing by the inhabitants (as well as visitors to the Toshiba page on YouTube ), if they have nothing to do, they can play with each other in some simple arcade game. On the big screen it looks beautiful.

You can run several different games on a billboard, each of which lasts 90 seconds and allows up to six participants. Toshiba employees are standing near the billboard and handing out souvenirs to the winners.

Video under habrakat.

To take part in the game, a passer-by must call a special number, which is shown on a billboard before each game. For a visitor to the above YouTube page, simply click on the “Start” button.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55588/

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