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Voting. Best Startups Martha

Voting. Best Startups Martha

March 2009 is striving for its logical conclusion, which means the time has come to determine that this month has grown into the field of new startups. As I already said in the topic dedicated to the best startups of February , in the new rating you will decide everything. Which of the startups will take the first place in March, and which will be outside the top ten.

You have someone to make a choice from. Quite interesting projects are fighting for your sympathies. Here you will have a platform for conducting holivars, a service for transferring files without intermediate storage, a full-fledged online education, a search engine for torrents, and a reminder of new episodes of your favorite TV shows. Which of them will be the best this month is up to you. As soon as the voting ends, and it will happen in a week, I will make a traditional detailed account of the top ten startups with developer comments.
Voting is open from today, and will be closed on April 1. You can cast your vote for just a few startups you like. Decide the fate of new projects by voting for the best startups you can right now! .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55579/

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