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WEB 2.0 - how much is in these letters


How often do people embrace new fashionable delusions. How many were discussions of WEB 2.0? Like something new and revolutionary breakthrough.
But if you try to drop all newfangled trends and see what it is and how it developed.
I think if you take it quite simply, the concept of web 2.0 is the content that users themselves generate. Plus a lot of different letters, and the composition of these letters varies greatly from source. But not the point.

So this user generated content is nothing more than the first FIDO.
Those. development was FIDO -> Chats -> Forum -> Blogs -> Social Networks (WEB 2.0)

In fact, this is nothing more than the development of FIDO networks that are fashionable at the time, then chats, forums, etc. And WEB 2.0 will be replaced by “Great Idea 3.0”, will it?

What is the problem of user generated content?

Well, probably, the fact that the user has little reason to make quality content. If you look LJ, then how many quality posts there? On Habré, there are a few more interesting posts on causing the introduction of a terrible weapon - a karmaplusset :) But this slightly raises the motivation to write better, but does not solve the next problem - the editorial policy.

Someone will say, but kakzhe odnoglazniki and other social networks. My opinion is that they were lucky, they were at the right time and in the right place. They have occupied a niche, have not learned how to earn money on it and will now have a very difficult time, as they will become a less and less fashionable topic. Will they survive? Yes, I do not care, I deleted my profile there more than a year ago.

What if you really want to create your startup on the Internet and nothing comes to mind except social networks?

Those. Need to start a traditional media business?

Yeah, but you need to be different. In a previous post, I wrote a joke about donkeys or how some IT media work

My solution is a combination

Content is generated by users, but by those who can write, and is published by the editor. Those. undergoing some editorial processing.
Readers are the same IT executives as writers. It seems like there are signs of WEB 2.0, but not quite. In the future, there will be a dedicated editor. And it will be a classic media, and the only difference is that the monetization is not due to the advertising budgets of vendors, but due to membership fees.

If so, then the project I was talking about below (the image is clickable)

Your opinion. Is this model viable?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55554/

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