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Startup - Education 2.1

Now it has become fashionable to write about the problems of education. Swear at the present state and admire the Soviet. And it became even more fashionable to write about radical and revolutionary reforms in this area. And here the system problems begin. Practically everyone in their reasoning skips several important stages in the design, namely: the collection of requirements and the formulation of the goal.

So, we create the product “education” for the platform “society”. “We” is a class of interested individuals. As in the case of true commercial software, the true goal of the product does not necessarily coincide with the declared one. According to the official version, education is necessary to form a “harmoniously developed personality”, etc. And what is needed in reality? And the reality is cynical. Software is created to make money. And it is desirable to crush competitors. Any legal (and slowly possible and illegal) ways. So with education - it is necessary to form a population of cattle, that is, a crowd of people who are easy to manipulate, who will not ask unnecessary questions. In short, the herd. Naturally, the herd should not know about it, the herd should be sure that everything is done in the interests of the herd. Among the herd, you need to look for talents, we do not need an amorphous mass, but a controlled one.

Now you can formulate a goal. The product "Education" should ensure the reproduction of an easily controlled and stable population in the conditions of progressive scientific and technological progress.
And now the requirements:

0. Man is an animal. It is necessary to exploit instincts, without this the whole undertaking is doomed to failure.
1. System knowledge is not needed by everyone; it is a waste of resources. For 100%, applied and basic general cultural knowledge is absolutely necessary: ​​basic arithmetic skills, basic writing skills, social skills, basic and unequivocal historical information.
2. The education system should be closely integrated with other social and social manifestations of life. Let me explain with an example: if the school year says that Stalin is a demon in the flesh, it is impossible to release information on the positive qualities of Stalin through federal channels. The principle, I think, is clear.
3. The system should create the conditions for identifying gifted children and developing the necessary talents.
4. As a consequence of paragraph 3 - system knowledge should not be prohibited, they should be allocated only to those who are ready to accept them.
5. Well, and finally, the main requirement: "The first rule of the fight club: no one should know about the existence of the fight club". The entire system must be disguised as tons of husk.

Creating such a system requires a lot of order at all levels of government. This is the only way to form the necessary social structure of society. Corruption, kickbacks and other delights are fundamentally incapable of creating a SYSTEM.

It looks extremely cynical, but what can you do. A practical goal is a stupid man in the street watching TV, playing sports and supporting power. Fiction writers screwed up, the universe of Gurevich (see the novel “We are from the solar system”) is in reality impossible.

The text in any thematic blog do not want to transfer from the principle. Perhaps some individual moments may seem controversial, but the idea itself is certainly true, for it has withstood the test of time.

Yes, this is a high-tech anthill. High school is not covered, because there are slightly different requirements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55551/

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