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A small excursion into the history of condensed milk

See how simple: milk and sugar are mixed, this mass is heated, partially evaporated, and ... everything! At the exit, we have absolutely fantastic consistency, color and taste. Every condensed milk has been familiar since childhood, and it is even more curious that many consider “whole milk condensed with sugar” to be a native Russian product. Until today it seemed to me somehow logical, but

It turns out that condensed milk was patented in the United States on August 19, 1856 by Texist Gail Borden. Once this inventor (on his account, for example, a steamer set in motion by a ribbon with blades running along the bottom) heard that in 1846, 87 migrants fell into a terrible snowstorm in the Sierra Nevada mountains and were forced to starve. By the time they were found, only 47 people had survived, and that was only because they decided to eat the corpses of already dead comrades. Since then, Borden became obsessed with the idea of ​​thickening foods that would be useful, for example, to travelers or soldiers: “I’m going to put a potato in a pillbox, a pumpkin in a tablespoon, the largest watermelon in a sauce-pot ... The Turks made rose acres from rose acres ... I am going to make rose oil from everything! ”In 1850, he even patented a“ meat rusk ”and tried to promote it in the US Army, but the idea failed, because apparently this product did not look too appetizing and it tasted good. However, in 1851 he was invited to a trade fair in London. Returning to the States, he witnessed the death of several children who had poisoned themselves with poor-quality cow's milk, after which he began to try to thicken it.

For a long time he did not succeed: the milk with sugar burned to the walls of an open pan, heated in a sand bath with charcoal. Vacuum pan also did not bring much success, however, according to the legend, once Borden noticed how the cook greased the pan so that the food would not burn during cooking. Naturally, he tried to do the same, and, finally, he got the desired product :)
But one thing is to come up with something, and quite another is to start selling it. Here the inventor was lucky again: at this time, a problem arose in New York with the supply of fresh milk (it was transported in inappropriate conditions, and then tinted to give a natural color, so many people were poisoned). The discovery in 1858 a hundred miles from the city of the plant for the production of condensed milk Borden helped solve this problem, and the product quickly became popular. His advertisement read: “Condensed milk is the usual fresh country milk, from which all the water is evaporated and nothing is added. When diluted with water one quart (943 ml - author's note) of the product turns into 2.5 quarts of milk, equal in fat to cream, 5 quarts of full milk or 7 quarts of plain good milk. It sells for 25 cents per quart. ”

In Russia, such milk was first produced at a small factory near Orenburg in 1881. Delicacy as well as in the USA quickly became popular, and two years later two more plants were opened. GOST for condensed milk, by the way, appeared only in 1979 and still says that only two ingredients should be included in the composition: milk and sugar. Everything else - from the evil one;).

UPD: There is another version of the appearance of condensed milk. According to it, it was invented on July 17, 1829 in Argentina, in the province of Buenos Aires, in the village of Canewalas. The story seems to be even documented. A few weeks before the significant date, Generals Lavage and Rosas signed an agreement to end the civil war. Naturally, they decided to celebrate this business, and a certain maid in the arrangement of Rosas forgot milk in a closed jar on the coals. The generals saw the cannon exploded, and one of them tasted what had happened. He liked this. Immediately the warlords signed an agreement on the first joint venture and, taking advantage of the influence, made colossal advertising to condensed milk. In Argentina since 1830 this is the national food. At first, they simply forced me to consume (Rosas became a dictator), and then they got a taste;)

Anyone who has got into the refrigerator to open a jar of condensed milk, bon appetit;)!

PS Question to those who have been recently (and although what's the difference? :) in the USA: is condensed milk sold there, and if so, is it popular?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55537/

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