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New sound format introduced

Thomson, one of the creators of MP3, developed the MP3HD audio recording format. Its main advantage is compatibility with MP3.
Just like other formats without loss of quality, FLAC, HD-AAC and WMA Lossless, MP3HD preserves the quality of the original music.
Similar files with a bitrate of 786 and 605 Kbps occupy 23.5 MB and 18 MB, respectively.
Software developers and hardware manufacturers are allowed to add format support to their products.
Under the license agreement, 75 cents and from 2.5 to 5 dollars from each codec must be paid from each sold software decoder to Thomson.
Deductions from each chip sold with built-in MP3HD hardware support are $ 1.25 and 75 cents from each hardware codec.
According to analysts, the format can become successful only when it is accepted by the largest manufacturers, otherwise this format will remain beautiful only on paper.
Backward compatibility means that a player that does not support MP3HD will play the new file as a regular MP3. This is achieved very simply: the MP3HD file includes a track in MP3 format, which is recognized by the system in the absence of codecs.
The company released a program that allows you to convert sound files in the new format from 16-bit stereo WAV-files with a frequency of 44.1 kHz. The plugin released for the popular WinAmp player allows you to play these files on your computer.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55527/

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