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Photo posters, or how to sell an artistic photo.

The market for posters on the Internet is very large. This we all know is enough to google it a little. But the assortment, ahem ... For me, it is too monotonous. No not like this. There are many posters. Many different. But these are works of popular masters who print in large quantities and sell their prints in bulk to various online stores.

And I thought here. Are there any photographers among those who want to sell their work in large format? So that they could be hung on the wall. The service, where any photographer can post their work for all to see. And where anyone can choose the photo they like and order a print of at least the size of a wall. Not one copy out of a thousand, but in fact a unique work.

Immediately, I note that there are practically no such projects in the network. There are projects for which exclusive prints are only part of the services, and in order to post photos for sale you need to pretty much sweat brains. There are those that communicate with photographers only via e-mail and in a very strange manner, as if they owe them something.
In general, gentlemen photographers. Want to sell your work to live people? Not patterned photostocks on pattern themes, but beautiful art photos for living people who will decorate their houses and work rooms with them?

ps Spit in karma - apparently holy =)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55516/

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