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Doctor Web discovered an ATM trojan

From today, I stop using the ATM - Dr. Web found a virus that steals data on customer cards. The fraudster is given a printout of card data, including PIN codes. As it is written on Lenta.ru, this is not the first malware for ATMs, but for the first time, an attacker is given the opportunity to get secret information. Until recently, ATMs were not connected to the Internet, but used their own communication channels - now ATMs are bundles in each shopping center, they are connected via a normal twisted pair - so, by and large, you don’t need to approach - all information is merged via the Internet . Of course, money can be returned from the account, but it’s hard to say how much agony you will have before the amount returns. And if you are in another city, but there is little or no cash? Of course, it is already impossible not to use the cards - they have firmly entered our life. For myself, I decided to make some cards in order to minimize the risk of losing all the money.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55514/

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