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Indian programmers leave America

BusinessWeek has published a great article about the flight of Indian and Chinese specialists from America to their homeland, where they can now get a more interesting job, a higher income and not deny themselves the pleasure of communicating with friends and family.

This is a very serious problem for America, because immigrants are crucial for the successful economic development of the country in the long term. First-generation immigrants make up 12% of the US population, and in Silicon Valley, 52% altogether! Immigrants register 25% of US patents. Every fourth scientist and engineer in America is an immigrant. Among those who have a doctoral degree, these are already 47%.

According to a study by BusinessWeek, 87% of Chinese and 79% of Indians who left America said that one of the main reasons that prompted them to return to their homeland was the growing demand for their profession in their countries. Of course, some leave the United States because of problems with a visa, but for the majority this is not the main reason, 30% of those returning have either US citizenship or a green card.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55506/

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