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Ask a question to Obama

US President Barack Obama is close to the people. And its promise - to become even closer, using modern technical advances, fulfills. Going to answer questions from Internet users in tomorrow's video message. Interesting, but not new: President Medvedev has long since settled in with a video blog. However, the initiative of the US administration - "President Obama will answer your questions" - is commendable.

So, tomorrow, March 26, Mr. Obama will break out with a video message in which he will answer the questions of Internet users. Interestingly, not only US citizens can ask questions. In general, any registered user. And since the main theme is the economic situation, and simply, a damned crisis, in which the United States plays the main role, I think it should be interesting for everyone. And these “all” still may well leave their question on the website of the presidential administration. Or vote for the existing one. Top-rated questions and "get" to the US president.

Ps. The White House site is working. But the section with questions very often falls under the influx of visitors. Apparently, the “Ask Obama Question” campaign has more than succeeded.
via compulenta

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55501/

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