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Web 3.0 - the future of robots

Web 3.0 - there will be a kingdom of robots, and the sooner we realize the problem that any of your interlocutors with the same smooth letters can turn out to be a machine, the sooner we will learn how to deal with this, according to an official post of the official blog of Leonid Kaganov .

According to Leo, he became the founding father of the robot jack and has already managed to produce some amount of artificial intelligence.

“Another robot I made as a joke: k-31415926 . He is very stupid: looking for posts with the words “robot” and comes with the comment “Well, here I am a robot. So what? And why am I worse than you? The protein mold will die out sooner or later, the future is ours, robots! “It looks very funny, although this idiot constantly reacts to Ukrainian posts like“ wrote on a robot ”. People react to this robot as a whole very fun and friendly. More often in the spirit of "dude did you smoke?" Although there is a noticeable percentage of clever men who start writing back carts in reply, explaining to him (!) That robots have no souls, feelings, love, and therefore they are stupid pieces of iron . The robot is happy to hear such admonitions;))), ”says Leo.
To the question “what for he needs it,” he answered poetically: “for pure love of art, because I am interested in web technologies by themselves”.

Here it is - a modern builder of the future Web 3.0 :)

Here and on Lenta.ru they write: “ The invasion of humanoid robots began in the Russian LiveJournal .”

Truncated the robotic nest abuse team. So let's drink for the same!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5548/

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