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Polystyrene houses

The Japanese company International Dome House makes houses from foam. The house does not rot, does not grow moldy, it does not burn well, it is well insulated, termites do not eat it, it is relatively cheap and simple to build, even in Africa or in Alaska.

The cost of home production of a Japanese company starts from $ 30,000 per dome. Domes can be combined into transition complexes. Why haven't they been built around yet? I do not know. Perhaps the material is not strong enough (although foam is certainly reinforced, and according to the stories, these houses easily withstand earthquakes). Perhaps there are difficulties with communication. Perhaps critical is the limited size and round shape of the room. But at least it looks cool, unusual and can be useful for the construction of hotels or shops.
Victor Papanek described the production of such a house in the book Design for the Real World. As I understand it, the foam material is also environmentally friendly. Various manufacturers claim that it breathes well, and during production and destruction, few harmful substances are released.

Daddy's description in my post here
and additional photos - under the cut

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55471/

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