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We teach Firefox to open links of different protocols in external programs

This way I was able to train my fox to open ftp: // and smb: // in nautilus.

I will give an example for ftp. Similarly, it can be done for any protocol, but instead of ftp in the names of the keys, the protocol you need.
  1. We type in the address bar of about: config . And we agree to be careful.
  2. Find the key network.protocol-handler.app. ftp , if it doesn’t exist (most likely) - create (right-click-> create), type - string. As a value, we specify the full path to the application in which we want to open our links. I have this / usr / bin / nautilus .
  3. Similarly, we find or create the key network.protocol-handler.external. ftp , type - boolean, value - true .
  4. Restart Fox. Now when you first open the ftp links, he will offer to choose the application we have indicated for the opening, all that needs to be done is to tick the box so that no more fox will ask us about it and agree.

That's all. Thanks for attention. =)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55443/

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