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Overview of the e-book Orsio b731

So, “a holiday happened on my street” - tedious and short reading with the permission of 320x240 switched to long-term comfortable reading with the resolution of 800x600.


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To say that reading has become comfortable is to say nothing. For me, this, as well as for all my non-techno-familiar friends, is something new, even if many have heard about it. But I will try not to give free rein to emotions, as has sometimes happened before.

Today, on my desk (finally, I'm not talking about a computer desk!), An interesting novelty is an e-book from Orsio . Honestly, I learned about this book quite by accident, and even I did not know anything about a manufacturer like Orsio. However, after reading the reviews of previous devices of the company in reputable publications, I seriously began to consider this candidacy - I was really tired of reading from the monitor screen, and typing everything I wanted was too expensive. What attracted me most was the 400 MHz processor and the time to work with it;)


The official distributor of the company's products in Moscow is the webpanel.ru store, where I picked up the device. Young and beautiful girls (spring-c) carefully carried out a branded bag;)


Inside the package was a box the size of a pack of A4 sheets. I open it.


- The book Orsio b731 ;
- Leather Case;
- Headphones (jack, 2.5 mm);
- USB-miniUSB cable for connecting to a computer;
- AC adapter for power;
- Manual and warranty card.


There is no lace for wearing, as well as SD-cards for 2GB, despite the fact that they are included in the configuration. Seeing the enclosed manual size of 1 page, I first upset - it is bad when the functions are not documented. However, later, after switching on, I found a detailed 27-page illustrated help (in the format * .fb2) on the book, where I found answers to almost all my questions.

What surprised me - the book works on Linux OS 2.6.18 . But honestly, I immediately confess - I have never once been a Linux user, and this fact doesn’t warm me much. Just surprised :)


The size of the device (LxWxH, mm) is 188x118x8.5.
The whole body is made of fashionable material now Soft-Touch. On the front side there is a big screen, the color of which is called the “hip of a frightened nymph” (no joke) :) On the front surface, in addition to the screen, there is an LED above, the display of which indicates its operating mode (charging, operation, battery saving mode, discharge) and navigation keys below the screen. Navigation keys (5 buttons - right, left, up, down and confirmation of choice) are located on the blue insert, made of the same material as the entire body. Yes, on the site it looks somewhat unusual, but now I look at the book and I understand that it more than suits me.


At the top there is a slot for an SD card (left) and a power button on the device (right).


On the left side, closer to the bottom, there are 4 metal buttons - “ mp3 player ”, “ main menu ”, “ back ” and “ delete ”. The first button is needed to turn on the player from anywhere (bypassing the main menu), the second button allows you to go to the main menu or turn on the document management menu at any time. The remaining two buttons are designed, respectively, to cancel the last operation (or move to a higher level) and to delete files. Under the buttons - a hole for fastening the lace.


There is nothing from the bottom except the stub. Under the cap, which is not completely pulled out (which is good - you will not lose) there is a headphone jack and a miniUSB-hole for synchronization or charging.


On the remaining (right side) part below there are two buttons - “+” and “-” - to control the volume in the player. It would be logical as well to hang up the function of changing the text scale on them, and positioning the buttons themselves in the upper part of the end face - they do not accidentally press them, but sometimes they interfere somewhat at hand.


It remains to consider the “paunch” of the device - there is a label with the name of the company and model, a reset button (when it is hanging) and the battery compartment fastened with a cross screw. By the way, during the week of communication, the book never hung up and even never tried to imitate it. Reset to the factory settings can be done in the main menu of the book.


The screen, apparently, is glass - a characteristic sound after a light tuk-tuk and the mention of this material in the help file. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it doubly carefully. In the light, dust particles falling on the device are clearly visible - I am struggling with this misfortune with a fumish of a can of compressed air. The screen in the sun does not glare and the text remains perfectly readable, although the integrated instruction states separately that it is better not to hold the device in direct sunlight.

Case. Comes with a black leather case, it is made to last. Initially, the front part of the cover is closed on the magnetics - the front cover can be folded 360 degrees and closed on the other side with the same magnet. Also on the back cover there is a support, having pulled out which, the book can be installed in portrait mode. They did not think out a little - place this leg from the center to the corner and the book could also be placed in landscape orientation.


The stitches with thread are even, they don’t move anywhere. The cover itself does not interfere with the management of the book, except that sometimes it is problematic to open the cap in the bottom of the device. In a case, the book becomes almost three times thicker, but this is a payment for the safety of the device in its original form - you should always choose between something.

Attempt at writing

The device turns on after a brief hold on the power button, which is located on the top of the device. Black crumbs appear briefly on the screen, which instantly brought me memories from my childhood - there was a device on which to draw by operating two levers - it had to be shaken beforehand. After switching on, the green LED lights up immediately, a book (and page) opens, which was opened before switching off. If nothing was open - the main menu opens.

Speaking of the main menu - it consists of 6 large icons (understandable and with captions) - “ files ”, “ player ”, “ reading history ”, “ bookmarks ”, “ settings ” and “ help ”.


Files opens a simple file manager, which is easy and simple to work with. First, the source of the files is selected - a card or internal memory. Next, use the up and down buttons to select the desired document, if all of them do not fit on one screen - you can flip the packs with the right and left keys. By calling the menu by pressing the corresponding button, it becomes possible to sort the files by name, date, size and type.
The function “Show only ORSIO files” will hide all unnecessary files that were uploaded to the book, except for supported ones. This is in case the device will be used as a flash drive.

I have already said about the “ player ” - it is called up through the main menu, by pressing a button on the left side or by selecting any mp3-file. In the top window of the player there is a list of files, at the bottom - 5 control buttons and a volume level indicator. Naturally, there are no equalizers for you here :) But by calling the menu, you can choose the order of playback - in a row, randomly, in a row in a circle and repeat the same file. The included headphones are large in size and not so hot in terms of sound quality.

Going into the " History of reading ", you can see a list of all documents that have ever been opened on a book - it is easy to find what has recently been opened. You can clear the entire list or its individual item.
In the “ Bookmarks ” are all ever created in readable documents bookmarks, which at any time can take you wherever you want :) If the file has been deleted, the bookmark is highlighted in pale gray as inactive.
In the " Settings " menu is about 10 options, information about the firmware, operating system and free space.
Help ” is an illustrated 27-page file in * .fb2 format.

A little bit about the settings

The first item is setting the clock - the time is set once in 24-hour format, after which the clock is displayed in the lower right corner, next to the battery charge indicator.
You can choose the language - Russian, English and Latvian are initially available. It is possible to add languages ​​through the firmware.
Font size - everything is clear. "Eat more of these buns" is available in 5 sizes.
You can specify which buttons will be scrolling - “up-down” or “right-left”. The same buttons will be (in * .PDF and * .DJVU formats) responsible for moving around the document if it is larger than the screen size (which will be in most cases). There is an option of smooth scrolling - movement is carried out on several lines "up / down" and several characters "right / left".


The password option can be useful in 50% of cases, in the remaining 50% it is completely unnecessary :) In general, the meaning of its work is this - if you want to hide some information in a book, then first create a zip-archive with a digital password on your computer . Then you place the archive in the book and specify this password in the settings - everything, the password-protected archive is ready to be opened. Strange, in fact, the option - digital passwords, even long, the most unreliable (and the attacker, knowing that only such passwords can be used on the book, will say only thanks) and the password indicates that all files are read. It turns out that all password-protected archives should have one password? Gentlemen, if you are reading this text, make the function of entering a password separately for each archive.
Auto power off - an interval specified in minutes, after which, when the user is inactive, the device turns off. The default time is 10 minutes.
The interface orientation function turned out to be very useful - it can be rotated 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. This setting is responsible for the orientation of the interface - the text can be rotated while reading through the menu. However, the default text orientation setting is also available.


The gamma correction function allows you to adjust the screen contrast in the range of 0.5 to 4 (as I understand it, in conventional units). By default, the value is two and with this value everything is perfectly visible.
According to the settings all.

As for the settings while reading the document, they appear after pressing the menu button. Without going into the main settings, you can change the font size (5 pins - from very small to large). The bookmark setting function is useful if you want to return to an interesting place later, having looked through other documents - all bookmarks will be available in the corresponding item of the main menu.
Text orientation, as I said, can be set regardless of the basic settings of the book. When you select this item, a small hint appears on the screen, looking at which you can easily understand what you need to click to rotate the text in the right direction. By the way, this is a very useful feature - it is convenient for me to simply read text documents in portrait orientation. However, using this orientation, it is very inconvenient to work with A4-size PDF and DJVU files - they are “broken” into 4 sectors, which you need to navigate using the navigation keys, and each movement takes some time. Another thing is when the landscape orientation - the same A4 page on a certain scale is divided only into two parts - upper and lower - it becomes much easier to read.
The transition function to a specific page can be useful in large documents. When you call it, a small window appears, where you press the navigation keys to select the desired page, after which the transition is made.


As I already said in the beginning of the article, the program supports ZIP archives - text files can be placed in them (but you cannot put PDF and DJVU). They are processed by the built-in archiver and when reading a document from the archive all the same functions are available as outside the archive. The only difference is that files will open slightly slower (as the help says). But I will not say that there are any delays in this - the entire collection of literature that is stored initially on the book (text files in the archives) opens and scrolls instantly.

It is even strange that the PNG format is supported - usually, the main is considered to be JPG, followed by the GIF. And there is no last, but there are the first two. The color rendition of color images, of course, is far from perfect, however, there is support for images.


In the help there is a manual for flashing the device - this is done to a disgrace simply. Anyone who has ever flashed players or some WM-devices can easily handle this too. Another question is the firmware itself, which is on the site so far only for old versions of books. But it’s just not possible to download even this - each client is assigned a personal account, which can only be entered by specifying the serial number of the book or the IMEI of the communicator (yes, Orsio also does the communicators).

A few words about the connection. Thanks to the developers for their versatility - I did not even unpack the USB cord from the kit. Having connected the book with the computer, a window appears on it with the question “Turn on in synchronization mode?” - answering positively, a new removable disk will appear in the system. Then throw what your heart desires and is ready. All this time on the screen will be the image of the USB-wire.
Since this is a removable media, it is impossible not to measure the speed of its work. To do this, you need a program like HD Tune Pro 3.10 .
Running a couple of tests, I get average values. They are as follows:


Not as fast as we would like, but nothing terrible about it. The speed of reading any of those reading this article is less than the speed of uploading files to a book. Even in sum, everyone who is right now NOW is still reading this article is reading more slowly. If not - I blush with embarrassment :)
By the way, I heard that miniUSB want to standardize, more precisely, to make a single connector on all devices - phones, music players and so on. I am only “FOR” such a move and I am pleased that my HTC felt this development in advance. But once the entire line of devices scolded for it. And with the advent of USB 3.0, this will be nothing short of a huge plus.

A full charge cycle lasts about 4 hours, while the LED lights up in red. If the device is turned on, the LED lights up orange, and in the corner you can see the charge indicator in the form of a battery with 4 divisions. These four divisions, according to the manufacturer, are enough for 50 hours of work in reading mode. I don’t have so much time to read continuously - I’ve been dragging myself to the institute for a week, I’ve been reading for 3-4 hours and I don’t have to lie down at the bunny-energizer even in my thoughts.

A short video on:


The book Orsio b731 just came out and I have never seen a review of it as such. Well, I will take a heavy burden on myself;) I can not say that the device is raw - it works fine, even if not always as fast as we would like. There are no firmwares on the official website yet, but literally in front of me they have flashed it with the latest firmware, in which the full Russian language has been added - and now all the books will be with this firmware. They promise to constantly release, expanding the functionality and increasing the stability of work - having contacted the company, they said that a new version of the firmware is about to be released, in which one of the innovations will be a calendar with a date, new fonts and their sizes.
The book is placed in the inner pocket of my jacket, which I am very pleased with - you can even read in the crowd. For example, in the rush hour of the dungeon - the subway brings together)

Advantages and disadvantages

Cons :
- High price (13,000 rubles);
- Sometimes long processing of large files (especially PDF, where the text is inserted by the picture);
- You can not read in the dark;
- Headphones through the connector 2.5 mm - for good ears will have to take the adapter;
- Tight case.

As for the case, it is probably good that it is solid and durable - it must protect the fragile device from external irritants. However, opening a plug with no nails becomes very problematic.

Pros :
- Decent equipment (SD-card would not be superfluous, but the built-in 512MB will be enough for a long time); leather cover for the book allows you to set the device as a photo frame;
- Quality materials from which the book is made. Good build, light weight (150 grams);
- Large screen diagonal (600x800), high contrast (4 grades of gray), low inertia; from prolonged reading eyes do not get tired;
- Support of such formats as pdf, djvu, txt, htm, rtf, fb2, zip, png, jpg (for complete happiness you need * .doc - I will wait in new firmware);
- Work with text - scaling, rotation, bookmarks, transition to pages, history of reading;
- Built-in mp3 player - you can listen while reading;
- Universal device connection (via USB cable, like an external drive);
- The possibility of flashing;
- A long time in the reading mode (about 50 hours) - enough for a few days;
- Selection (60 MB) of works from different authors in a set.



The battery capacity of my communicator is 2400MAh, so it works in standby mode for about a week and day 2 in active communication mode in ICQ with minimal backlight. Yes, I tried to read books, but in this case the battery lasted no more than a day. A small diagonal (320 × 240) and this unpleasant feeling of “reading from the screen”, which sooner or later begins to ruffle in the eyes ... But someone manages to read from smaller diagonals, with gag contrast, without the ability to choose the color of the text and background! No, I have a very positive attitude to people who not only look at the pictures, but sometimes I even feel sorry for them - slowly but surely they spoil their eyesight.
Therefore, I am very pleased that the technology of electronic ink is beginning to gain momentum - after all, quite recently this was an innovation! It is extremely pleasant to read, to some extent unusual. Some of my classmates asked, “What, is it already working or is it a paper insert?”. Sarcastically, I replied that I woke up early and wrapped the tape with the text printed on paper on the built-in rollers and here I am, fooling honest people)


I haven’t yet found any particular disadvantages of this device, except that the price of 13 thousand - perhaps it makes sense to wait a bit - sooner or later the crisis will end, and the competition will bear fruit. Yes, there are already instances of illuminated, touchscreen, color, A4 format - but pointing this out with the drawbacks of this device is equivalent to scolding any nissanchik for the lack of premium car accessories.

I don’t regret buying it much - I really needed a tool to read materials that had accumulated in my dead weight on disks after the CTRL + S combination.


At the request of workers - photos display the book files that are offered in the comments.

1 . 0805.pdf from user George_Tahoe
Pdf-file where the text is inserted text (you can select).
It seems to me very worthy.


2 Fourier Transforms in Radar and Signal Processing. David Brandwood.pdf.pdf from user Jenyay
Does not want to display a sign (product of measures?). Everything else is displayed as it should.


Turning over the page, I see this sign and his next. Inexplicably, but a fact :) The graphics are quite readable, although they have become a little fatter.


3 ..... DJVU again from user George_Tahoe )
Displaying no problem.


Sorry for the quality of the photos - literally made on the knee.
All of the above files are more convenient to look in landscape orientation, the page turning time is about 2 seconds.
Already the 8th day without recharging - judging by the indicator, half the battery is still there. Today I read an 80-page book “A Handbook for Bloggers” - longing. I do not like the device, there is more and more interest in the group;) For now, let the film be;)

Knowledge is power! Successes!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55442/

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