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Internet user statistics

According to Royal Pingdom , the following statistics can be traced on the Internet in 2008:

Internet users

* 1 463 632 361 total users (June, 2008).

* 578 538 257 - in Asia.
* 384 633 765 - in Europe (apparently with Russia)
If the population of Europe without Russia is about 600 million, then half of the population uses the Internet according to these statistics. Right?

Here are the statistics of Internet World Stats in Russia, 38 million users. It differs from our statistics - 25 million. At the same time, Russia is in the top ten in the number of users.


* 186,727,854 - websites on the Internet in December 2008

Domain Names:

* 77.5 million - in the .COM zone at the end of 2008
* 11.8 million - in the .NET zone at the end of 2008
* 7.2 million - in the .ORG zone at the end of 2008
* 174 million - total first level domain names
* 19% - an increase in domain names in 2008


By the way, there is still a lot of interesting things - Royal Pingdom .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55431/

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