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Road signs 2.0

This article will focus on the new generation of road signs.

The idea was taken from one of the cars Citroen, which was presented at the Geneva Motor Show. I was interested in the only part in the car - an electronic board by the type of those used on fighters and helicopters (for those who are not in the subject: this is a special glass that displays information about the condition of the aircraft). So, the company Citroen made such a board in the car so as not to distract the driver from the road, so that the driver would not look from the road to the devices and back.

It all looks something like this.

Or even so - by designing on glass. image .
The thought came to me that in addition to basic information about the state of the car (current speed, current gear .....) you can place basic traffic signs. For example, signs Directions of the main road, signs of speed limits, as well as warning signs.

Many will ask "Why?" "For what?". The answer lies in my personal experience.

I got the rights a year ago and at first, like everyone, was an absolute kettle. More than half of the signs naturally did not notice at the beginning, except for the main signs. For the year, I got rid of most of the problems, but new ones appeared. For example, when I drive along the wide road in the 3-4 row, it is very difficult to keep track of the signs. Plus, in order to look at the signs, you need to look at a fairly large angle, and then return it back. It seems to be a second, but in a second a lot can happen on the road - from the release of a huge amount of adrenaline due to a collision that almost happened due to the fact that he did not notice that the neighbor in a row began to rebuild, to a fatal outcome.

Or another example: in small towns, sometimes in the courtyards there is not enough parking space and drivers leave their cars on the road. If a parked car is a passenger car, then all the rules - moving to the left of it, you can freely read all the signs, but if this is a high truck, then naturally you will not see.

In general, the target audience - drivers with experience of <4-5 years.

And now about the technical implementation.
A machine:
Requires such a display, receiver (apparently this is some kind of processor) and power supply.

Naturally, you need the presence of the sign itself, which will have in its support a transmitter that sends information about the sign itself to the car. Naturally such a transmitter needs to be powered. It will be powered by a solar battery installed on top of the support in its cross section (from marauders and the like).

This is my first article on Habré, so please do not judge strictly.

UPD: Thank you so much for the karma pa100r and help in publishing the article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55429/

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