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Version 0.3

Web Optimizer (Web Optimizer) is an application that automates all client optimization actions for an arbitrary site. At the moment it exists as a separate application (which you need to install on the site yourself). PHP Speedy was used as a base for Web Optimizer.

Detailed installation guide .
Download version 0.3 .

As a result of painstaking work after the last “big” release, a large number of reported errors were corrected and just a ton of new features were added. So, in order:

Plans for the next release:

Download the latest version 0.3 .

In general, any problem cases with a detailed description are welcome. As practice has shown, nothing is impossible :)
PS Quite often there are problems with the automatic inclusion of JavaScript in the "unobtrusive" mode. Recommended in case of “inoperability” of the site (white
screen in the browser) turn it off in the configuration (and replace it with “Connecting external files”).

PPS If problems with JavaScript are not eliminated, then you can completely turn off its minimization ( Minify JavaScript - No )

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55416/

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