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Factors of social realization of users

In terms of the differences between the Internet and the “real” there is one of the essential ones - it is difficult to make a career in it that brings similar “real” opportunities. Not that it is completely impossible - there are examples of individuals, such as Alex Exler, who have gained fame and money mainly in the Internet field. But the singularity of these examples confirms the correctness of the statement - in contrast to the traditional society, the Internet has not yet formed equally effective institutions for climbing the social scale. Below are some points in which the differences between the Internet and the real on the basis of the possibilities of social realization are manifested most of all. The completeness of this list and the importance of individual items can be discussed.
If in real life there is something that is not on the Internet, but in principle it may be there, this is a reason to talk about a kind of hypothetical service that would fill an empty (or rather, insufficiently filled) consumer niche. Therefore, the items refer not so much to the comparison, as to the fact that this service needs to be implemented.

1. User activity should be aimed at creating socially significant content. In fact, this leads to a definite understanding of the principle of wiki, when users jointly develop some content that has value not only for them. In this regard, for example, Wikipedia falls under this criterion more than Habr. Not because of the quality of content on Habré, but because of the “media-tape” nature of its positioning — Habr’s materials are written for short-term hitting the field of general attention and are subsequently used little. In the case of, for example, journals of scientific publications or encyclopedias, the situation is almost the opposite - the articles in them are intended for long-term use (although, perhaps, rare). In science, the principle of filtering in general works, when you can publish only something new that complements or systematizes past results, even if we are talking about different journals that are not related to each other but topics. In the media, within the framework of the same service, there can be hundreds and thousands of similar notes, theses, considerations, arguments, discussions, articles, and so on. Therefore, if you were able to publish in a scientific journal, you almost end up in history, which of course plays on the feeling of the social realization of the authors. As a result, there is a high “step” - you either do not publish at all, or you publish immediately at the highest level (this, of course, is idealization, in practice these principles are partially eroded, but I’m talking about the principles themselves). The need to overcome this step stimulates a team game - most scientific works are done in collaboration. It can also be said that with respect to aggregate content, the result of filtering is a much greater degree of orderliness.
It is interesting to note that getting Wikipedia into the wiki niche is not so much connected with the filtering system, as with positioning. However, the author's beginning on Wikipedia is almost nullified.

2. The filtering system in science (and other institutions of traditional society) is based on the inequality of votes - the participants who achieve the best results in any field have a) a greater weight of votes in this area, b) more opportunities (powers, authority) in managing a variety of resources associated with this area - intellectual, professional, information, administrative, financial, computing, etc. These principles can be implemented within the framework of the Internet service. Note that in real life, the estimated results are not only the production of their content, but various kinds of useful activities, for example, the systematization of someone else's content. Regarding item a), the problem is how to make the vote weights context-sensitive (or thematically-dependent). The solution seems to be connected with the ordering and structuring of resources — in such an environment, it is easier to determine the context. It should be noted that the filtering system in itself means one of the criteria for ordering - in this case, on the basis of quality.
3. Author's activity should find the maximum amount of relevant (able to evaluate) audience. In the "real" this is achieved through the formation of thematic communities and cultural traditions within them. At a deeper level of consideration, the reason is seen again in the orderliness of resources — it is easier to determine the relevant audience in an orderly environment, like any relevant content in general.

4. Formats of user activity should correspond to the natural laws of communication, thinking, development and qualitative transformations of knowledge. In particular, communication and thinking have a pronounced component of chance, they rarely strictly follow a given topic, affecting many other topics on associative links, giving rise to parallel chains of discussion and reasoning. However, the result of this rather chaotic process is (can be) a fairly ordered structure of knowledge. In addition, the development of knowledge implies, on the one hand, an ever more detailed division of related topics according to different criteria, on the other hand, on the other hand, the integration of heterogeneous elements into common sets according to different criteria.
Concerning high-quality transformations of content. It can be said that it is easier for people to generate content a) in small formats; b) in the process of discussion. These two interrelated factors are actively used in Internet services, which leads to the cumulative production of huge volumes of small-format materials through various services. Traditionally, the accumulation of such copyright materials on a specific subject is accompanied by their qualitative transformations - the consolidation of semantic units of content, the appearance of articles and books. In turn, these units are traditionally those that go to the asset of the author's achievements, which is put to the court of experts and the general public and works on the social realization of the authors. However, in the Internet space this process of integration is made difficult due to a) distraction of materials across different services; b) poorly ordered content on the subject. In other words, there is disproportion - the advantages of the Internet are used to gain at one stage of comprehension, and at the next stage, on the contrary, inhibition occurs. Of course, being limited to one service instead of millions is not an option, but it is possible to provide these considerations in this service.

5. Stimulating with money is a separate topic and should be linked to the ways to monetize the service. In real life it is one of the main motives of human activity, as well as one of the criteria for social realization and success.

So, the theme of streamlining and systematization, however, not only of content, but of various resources, is a common thread in these arguments, which corresponds to the understanding of society as an organized resource environment. It seems that these keywords “orderliness” and “resources” make it possible to climb the social ladder in traditional society. However, in the projection on the Internet space all resources are content, so the next step is to consider possible ways of streamlining, because not all of them can simultaneously satisfy all the listed items.

Udt 03/25/2009 6. In one aspect, the evolution of the Internet shows pendulum oscillations: from the original stand-alone sites, people have moved on to blogs and social networks, but according to the latest information, the number of stand-alone began to grow again. What is not surprising - they provide more opportunities for the author's self-manifestation. To take the same Exler website is actually some kind of media, including a blog and a forum. Online edition with one person. Similar can be said about roem.ru Synodov. However, the initial mass withdrawal (or arrival) in blogs and social networks is also not surprising - in fact it is the same personal site that is very easy to create and maintain, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is well known - it is in the (social) environment with which you can make friends, contact, form communities and so on. In other words, the author's beginning is good, but it is meaningless if there is no suitable environment. Synods, for example, said that the main audience of roem was originally formed in his LJ.
The conclusion from this is obvious - as soon as mass services begin to provide authors with rich opportunities for self-manifestation, similar to those provided by stand-alone sites, the pendulum will swing to their side again. If we apply this provision to our hypothetical service, a problem arises, which start-ups usually warn about - in the beginning project it is hardly advisable (and even hardly possible) to do a sophisticated functional. In general, it may appear that the implementation of all the listed items is impossible in any original simplified version of the project. Now I think that this is again tied to ways of streamlining or, more precisely, to ways of presenting content, to which the next article will be devoted.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55413/

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