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Quake in linux

I was looking for how to run Quake one under wine, instead I found an ezquake project.

After downloading and unzipping, you need to make the ezquake-gl.gfx file usable.
$ chmod +x ezquake-gl.gfx

Now you need to add game resources to the game engine. These are the original files from the game (you can download the game from here ) pak0.pak and pak1.pak. they need to be copied to the ezquake / id1 subdirectory
Resource files must necessarily consist only of lowercase letters, otherwise the engine will not find them.

On the project site there are links to projects dedicated to better redrawing of textures and models from Quake.
download and install them
$ wget qrp.quakeonline.net/qrp-maptextures-2007-10-06r2-7files.zip
$ unzip qrp-maptextures-2007-10-06r2-7files.zip -d ezquake/id1/
$ wget facelift.quakedev.com/download/SKINSbmodels-48files-4-23-05.zip
$ mkdir ezquake/id1/textures
$ unzip SKINSbmodels-48files-4-23-05.zip -d ezquake/id1/trextures

for unknown reasons, there is no sound at startup :(
You can specify the forced use of the OSS subsystem and the audio sample rate of 48 kilohertz.
$ ezquake-gl.glx +set s_noalsa 1 +set s_device /dev/dsp +set s_khz 48 +set s_bits 16


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55411/

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