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Where the sun does not shine

Not everyone can compare school with cloaca. For some, a school is a home, place of study or work. For me, my school, although the main place of work, is a cesspool. Why? I have several reasons to think so.

Everyone knows that fish rots from the head. Therefore, I'll start with the director. He is an alcoholic with a red unshaven mug; sometimes meets children on the porch and breathes fume on them. When he is not drunk, he craves sober. Deputy Director and part-time brother - a bearded man like a pig. He usually sits in a room and picks up computers, collecting "new" cars from old parts. At his direction, pirated versions of Windows were installed on school computers. Somewhere in the bins is a licensed disc - but it is. for excuses, as I was told. The head teacher is not clear what kind of work, because no one is being done, it looks like a witch and seems to spend every night in a coffin. Her colleague is a married lady who makes tricks with a bearded boar. The main thing in the museum is a squint with a shabby haircut, a woman-cattle (looks like a one-eyed Litho), who believes that everyone should do it.

Everything is very similar to a fairy tale, but it is not.
About money. Financial flows are regulated by the top, and the design of workers is also a mysterious way - the feeling that the labor code does not exist. Registration of fictitious employees, underestimation of the discharge, double-entry bookkeeping ... If we are already talking about finances, another fact is that the school won a million by some presidential program. This money needed to be spent on upgrading the school computer park - however, no more than 15 pieces of equipment were bought, the question arises, how much does it cost?

A million is not enough, especially when you build a dacha on the Leningradskoe highway and have three apartments in Moscow. for which you have to pay. when you are driving around in a Mercedes and other things ...

Weave intrigue - the privilege of the Madrid court? It was not there. They invite a person to work, they say behind his back that the work is not being done, in the eyes - that you receive money and do not do anything, they are dismissed in hindsight. not to pay salary. They invite a person to one position, promise to have three boxes - but in the end they don’t let them work and invite to replace him once ousted with scandal because of the lonely money “of his little man”. They talk about pedagogical tact and ethics, but, as they say, logs are not visible in their own eyes. And only endless promises - and nothing more.

Take simple teachers, for example, my colleague, who cannot be carried from the fourth floor to the first two computers. And only because they are not from his office. After all, he works in one office, and I work in two ... Do you feel logic? His responsibility is one audience, and mine is both at once ... Well, all right. We basically greet only after the sixth lesson, and sometimes do not see each other at all. Lessons - a separate song; counterstrike is the main material that my colegia groups go through. And they say to me at an open lesson that I am not building a lesson like that.

They ask me if I will stay next year. But the answer is obvious, doesn’t anyone understand it?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5541/

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