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Unexpected hit on Microsoft.

Among computer scientists, to make claims in relation to Microsoft products, and in relation to the company itself, is almost comme il faut. However, from now on, it seems, another, rather swift camp has joined us.
Microsoft employee Jamie Durant, who developed the design for Xbox games, requires $ 65,500 from his company. The fact of the matter is that Jamie is not just a designer, but also a homosexual. Therefore, he became a victim of eternal banter on the part of his coarse, ruddy fellow. What about Microsoft itself? Jamie requires them to pay the amount, only slightly lower than his annual salary, because the company did not interfere with his drama, although theoretically it could have been somehow.
It is sincerely interesting whether he will succeed in winning such a largely insignificant thing.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55396/

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