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Moderia - web database editor

Good day!
I want to introduce you to my product. Last time I talked about it to Habra, but, first, I did not do well. Secondly, a lot of new things appeared in the script and the structure was radically changed.

So what is it?

This is a script that can edit the contents of database tables in a convenient, customizable form. Currently, only MySQL is supported , but support for other databases is just around the corner (almost everything is abstracted using AdoDB). It should be noted that the script does not change the structure of the database and tables, and stores all the settings in one table.

What is it for?

Applications it can find a lot. The most obvious is to use as admin (or back-end) of your site, portal, script.

What is the convenience?

- To work with it you do not need the knowledge of MySQL, PHP. Everything is done through a web interface.
- You edit and view data in the form in which you are most comfortable. Want - edit in textarea, if you want - with the help of html-editor, you can use select, checkboxes.
- Ability to set restrictions on data entry (validation).
- Ability to customize the search, sort. Bans on editing and / or viewing individual cells. Aliases (human-readable names) of columns and tables.
- Display of dependent records in other tables.
- Ability to create views (similar to "requests" in MS Access :)).
- Small "chips", such as:
- Almost all actions take place without reloading the page.
- Double click - edit a single cell
- Highlighting entries with a clamped shift

What are the differences from phpMyAdmin?

In all. :) First of all, PhpMyAdmin is mainly intended for editing the structure of tables, my script is for editing data.

Small example

Suppose we have a simple database containing the following tables:
- users (users)
- contries (countries from which users may be)
- articles (articles)
- comments (comments to articles)
We need to set up Modeinka so that it is most convenient to work with her (sorry, for the quality of the video, well, I don’t know how to keep the mouse calm).

Who does not show the video or want to see in normal quality (19MB): narod.ru/disk/6979209000/3.avi.html . If you have a black screen - you can try to pause and wait :)

You can also download the public alpha version of the project in order to touch everything yourself. It is quite important and is intended for reference only.

What will happen next?

If the product is really necessary, I will actively finalize the project. If not, I will give it to good and kind hands.
A lot of work is planned, this is what can be expected in the near future (I’ll reveal far from all my ideas):
- elimination of many bugs.
- acceleration of work.
- support for other databases.
- editing history with the possibility of undo-redo.
- support for new data types, new validation capabilities.
- Advanced Search.

PS If anyone shows at least one analogue of the script - I will be very grateful to him. I want to know my competitors by sight (PHPMyAdmin, admin framework generators in frameworks can hardly be called analogues) :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55393/

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