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Freelance VS. work on uncle. IMHO this and that crap.

On Habré often write why it is good to do one and badly to others. Many arguments, like, and all are right, but why then opponents against? IMHO, people are just trying to justify their position and the kind of employment that they are now doing. I worked both there and there and I can say that everywhere there are pluses and minuses. But whatever one may say, both options prevent me from doing the main thing - to fulfill my dream.

I want to go around the world. Not like samiznaetekto, spending in each city for 3 hours and photographed the ballot box and traffic lights. Fully. I love architecture and nature, as well as all sorts of antiquities and secrets. This dream can be full life and all the same time is not enough. My situation is even worse. I have no money and therefore I need to spend some more time to earn this money.
Unconditional, many will tell me that you can work, go on vacation and everything seems to be the type of top. BUT worked and realized that in this case, time is at a minimum. In fact, freelancing is almost no different from a permanent job. What difference do you work for one customer or several? Time from this no longer becomes. Money too. First a new player, then an x-box, then a car, then an apartment, etc., and so on. Of course, this is not bad, but there are people who need not this at all. For example me. Freelancers say they have a free schedule and free time. Nonsense, if you have a lot of free time, then you just don’t want to work, but usually it’s the other way around. The realization that you can still work an hour and earn extra $ 30 is not the incentive that forces the freelancer to work until 4 in the morning and get up as early as 9? Good workers and in regular work are given time off at any time upon request (of course, if there is not an emergency).

As for me, the only way to break out of this circle is to open your business. And may he bring at first small money commensurate with the salary, and maybe even less. Let him have something to deny. But now I have plenty of time to go to my hometown for a few days and meet with friends whom I have not seen for a year. Go to Yalta and dig a garden with relatives overlooking the mountains in the snow (did you dig something long? I also last ten years ago), when the snow in the mountains shines so brightly that it reflects from the earthworm on a shovel. And then go to the embankment, sit down by the sea with a laptop and work under the sound of the waves and the cries of seagulls. Fortunately, 3G Internet works in many picturesque places of our country. Or go abroad for a week, go on excursions all day, and work in the hotel almost until the morning in the evening. And you can sleep off on the bus on the way to the next castle or cave. After all, this requires not so much money. Just a couple of thousand dollars a month. And many of those who read these lines already earn that kind of money. In fact, this is not so much.

Yes, in this scenario, a lot of risks, it may not work. In this case, I will go to work, work for another year, save more money and try again. In any case, it’s better than spending all your life doing nothing, and complaining that customers are idiots, their bosses pay little and don’t appreciate. Everyone builds his own destiny and there is no one to blame for his failures. Each person costs exactly as much as he is paid, for he agrees to that. If not, find a better job or create one yourself. Otherwise, your self-worth is worthless. It is better to try and fail than to whine and think all your life. And I believe that someday I will succeed. Because I have a dream. Otherwise, why live then?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55377/

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