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10 great tricks with .htaccess for WordPress

Before changing the .htaccess file, be sure to back it up.

1 - Redirect WordPress RSS feed to feedburner using .htaccess
Why some webmasters do not use feedburner? After all, this is such a great tool for monitoring RSS feeds. The problem is that you have to fix template files with your hands. This reception will help save your time.
And do not forget to fix in line 6 to your code.

 <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond% {HTTP_USER_AGENT}! FeedBurner [NC]
  RewriteCond% {HTTP_USER_AGENT}! FeedValidator [NC]
  RewriteRule ^ feed /? ([_ 0-9a-z -] +)? /? $ Http: //feeds2.feedburner.com/wordpress [R = 302, NC, L]
 </ IfModule>


2 - Remove / category / from the path in the WordPress address
By default, categories in WordPress are displayed like this: http://www.wordpress.com/blog/category/wordpress
And this is not very beautiful, and the address looks a bit long.
Now you will learn how to fix it with .htaccess

RewriteRule ^category/(.+)$ htt://www.yourblog.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Now categories will look like:
https: //www.wordpress.com/blog/wordpress

3 - Using Browser Cache
A very good way to optimize your blog is to use the browser cache. This code improves browser caching of static files.
When you re-request a file that has not changed, the client will receive a response 304, and not the contents of the file.

 FileETag MTime Size
 <ifmodule mod_expires.c>
   <filesmatch "\. (jpg | gif | png | css | js) $">
        ExpiresActive on
        ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"
    </ filesmatch>
 </ ifmodule>

4 - Static data compression
This code will reduce the amount of data transferred between the server and the user due to their compression.

 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text / html text / plain text / xml application / xml application / xhtml + xml text / javascript text / css application / x-javascript
 BrowserMatch ^ Mozilla / 4 gzip-only-text / html
 BrowserMatch ^ Mozilla / 4.0 [678] no-gzip
 BrowserMatch bMSIE! No-gzip! Gzip-only-text / html

5 - Redirect permalinks based on Day and name to /% postname% /
First go to the WordPress admin panel, go to Settings → Permalinks and select custom.
Fill in the field with /% postname% /.
Now, permanent links will look like this: https: //www.yourblog.com/name-of-the-post

Now we need to redirect all the old links to the new permanent.
Add the following lines to .htaccess:

 RedirectMatch 301 /( [0-9 ]+)/( [0-9 ]+ )/( [0-9 ]+)/(.*)$ https: //www.domain.com/$4

6 - Forbid commenting if referrer is missing
The method is based on the fact that many spam bots do not transmit the referer when they post data.
This code checks the referrer field and blocks sending a comment if referer is missing when accessing the wp-comments-post.php file.
Do not forget to enter the domain of your blog in line 4

 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI} .wp-comments-post \ .php *
 RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER}!. * Yourblog.com. * [OR]
 RewriteCond% {HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^ $
 RewriteRule (. *) ^ Http: //% {REMOTE_ADDR} / $ [R = 301, L]

7 - Redirect the user to the stub page
while working on the site, it is desirable to redirect users to a temporary stub page
Replace in line 2 maintenance.html with the name of your file.
And in line 3, enter your IP so that you are not redirected to this stub.

302-redirek is used so that search engines do not index the contents of the temporary page.

 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI}! /Maintenance.html$
 RewriteCond% {REMOTE_ADDR}! ^ 123 \ .123 \ .123 \ .123
 RewriteRule $ /maintenance.html [R = 302, L]

8 - Protecting your blog from hotlinks
Hotlik is the use of files placed on your site on the pages of other sites in order to save your server traffic.
To combat this scourge will help the following lines in .htaccess

 RewriteEngine On
 #Replace? Mysite \ .com / with your blog url
 RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER}! ^ Http: // (. + \.)? Mysite \ .com / [NC]
 RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER}! ^ $
 #Replace /images/nohotlink.jpg with your "don't hotlink" image url
 RewriteRule. * \. (Jpe? G | gif | bmp | png) $ /images/nohotlink.jpg [L]

9 - Allow wp-admin access only from your IP
An additional protection of your blog from hacking can be the restriction of the list of addresses from which it is allowed to enter the admin panel of the blog.
Do not forget to insert your IP in line 8.
If you want to use additional addresses for access, add the lines allow from xx.xx.xxx.xx

 AuthUserFile / dev / null
 AuthGroupFile / dev / null
 AuthName "Example Access Control"
 AuthType Basic
 order deny, allow
 deny from all
 allow from xx.xx.xx.xx
 </ LIMIT>

10 - Blocking spammers in WordPress via .htaccess
Often spam bots come from the same IP. The following trick will help block access from these addresses.
Fill in the address of the spammer in line 3.
You can expand the list of blocked addresses by adding the lines deny from xxx.xx.xxx.xxx.

 <Limit GET POST>
 order allow, deny
 deny from
 allow from all
 </ Limit>

UPD: The original article can be found here . I came across by chance, but I could not ignore such utilities, and that’s what happened - this article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55360/

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