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No unrealistic technical problems. Here the bridge resists twisting into a spiral for a long time.

In life, you constantly meet things that ask for improvement, but no one does (for example, a road). Convincing reasons are given why it is impossible to do something better, including appealing to insoluble technical problems. But wait! People have done a thousand things that were once considered unreal.

Asphalt collapses when the air temperature jumps around zero. Freezing and thawing water breaks the coating, nasty cracks and holes are formed in it. The technical problem seems intractable to our services, they constantly cite it as an example. Is it true?

Hey service! And what about the whole bridge with concrete, reinforcement, lampposts and even asphalt for an hour dangling, sagging, rolling into a tube like rubber and practically not suffering from it? Is it real or not?
Realistically. See it.

What kind of bridge is this? Read in my original post here.

or rewritten version further under the cut

The Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge collapsed 4 months after its construction on a bright day on November 7, 1940. The reason was that the aerodynamic properties of the structure blocked the wind. This was not thought of before, until it increased to 68 km / h and this did not lead to a resonance. The bridge twisted for an entire hour, and the project engineer was so confident that the structure would stand up, that he ran out on it, demonstrating this confidence.

In general, this piece of a great program, Engineering Connections, led by Richard Hammond (yeah, from TopGira). Four episodes tell about human creations that seemed incredible to our ancestors. To build the huge Airbus A380, the giant Taipei 101 skyscraper, the Keck Observatory, and the Troll A gas production platform, engineers solved the most complex technical problems, finding inspiration in nature or how the same ancestors solved the problems.

Technological difficulties can be motivated by the complexity, timing and cost of development, but not its unreality. Who wants, he is looking for ways, and who does not want - continues to whine about zero temperature.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55353/

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