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BigDog goes to the army

army dog
There was news on the Web that test samples of the BigDog support robot would be sent to Afghanistan for testing at the scene of hostilities.
On Habré already wrote about this wonderful machine . And there was even a link to the parody movie .
However, a year has passed since then and the guys from Boston Dynamics are not standing still, it appears that the payload has been increased from 50 kg to 150 kg, and even those samples that came into the army I think they don’t make any more noise because a sound of 100 decibels is capable of scaring all dushmans for many kilometers in the area.

Found the exact characteristics of this miracle:

The robot can move as if it is offline, while the onboard computer takes control of the type of surface on which it is moving (asphalt, snow, mud, ice, etc.), and choosing the most appropriate motion algorithm, or controlled from the console .
One of the latest videos with a demonstration of opportunities:

Humorous video from the creators of the robot:

Example of a person escort:

PS: Boston Dynamics has several interesting developments besides BigDog:

PPS: IMHO makes a fascinating and creepy impression.
Upd.: Unfortunately I did not find it immediately with a search, but mithgol beat me to an hour and a half.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55351/

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