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The share of IE8 is growing at the expense of Microsoft

Analytical agencies began to publish data on changes in the browser market in connection with the release of Internet Explorer 8 on Thursday. As one would expect, the main "victim" of IE8 was his younger brother IE7. But the popularity of IE6 and Firefox, on the contrary, has only grown.

According to StatCounter , the share of IE7 for four days fell by 2.6 percentage points: from 39.5% to 36.9%.

At noon yesterday, the share of IE8 stopped at 2% (before the final release, it was 1.3%).
The share of Firefox 3.0 increased from 25.2% to 25.7%. The popularity of IE6 has grown even more, by as much as a whole percentage point: from 22.5% to 23.5%. This phenomenon is difficult to explain. However, the figures from other analytical company Net Applications confirm the results obtained by StatCounter. They also report an unexpected effect: the largest penetration of IE8 was recorded on Saturday (2.3%) and Sunday (2.5%), and on Monday it fell to 2.1%. Usually the opposite is true: IE has the maximum share on weekdays when millions of corporate computers are turned on. Now, apparently, the main number of IE8 users are geek enthusiasts who are experimenting at home.

Changes in Firefox 2.0, Safari, Chrome and Opera are within the statistical error (no more than 0.05 percentage points).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55350/

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