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Macs will take over corporations if they integrate into the Windows environment.

In unison with all the predictions that Apple’s sales will decline, comrades from the Enterprise Desktop Alliance state that it’s a lot! 235 of the 314 companies surveyed are going to purchase additional Macs. Not surprisingly, the main reasons for switching to Mac for companies are productivity growth, employee preferences and, as it turned out, lower cost. But! so that everything goes well, companies are looking for ways and solutions that will simplify the process of implementing, integrating and managing Macs in a Windows-based IT infrastructure (without MS anywhere in general, and those solutions that ensure the integration of two competitors).

Here is the percentage of what the main issues / problems worry sysadmins when switching to Macs:

• Active Directory integration (58%)
• Support for end-user computers (inventory, installation of updates, standardization) (53%)
• File sharing (42%)
• Unification of configurations (38%)
• Application Compatibility (27%)
• Non-standard management utilities (26%)
• Security (19%)
• Data Recovery (12%)

How and when and among whom the survey was conducted, read here .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55349/

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