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A sysadmin extorted five thousand rubles from a female Odnoklassniki

The system administrator of the online salon in Tambov has been charged with extortion and illegal invasion of privacy, Interfax reported March 23.

According to reports, a visitor to the salon gave her password to the system administrator so that she would help her access the page on the social network. He remembered the data and, after leaving the girl, got acquainted with her personal correspondence. In the mailbox administrator found four candid photos.

Having contacted the girl on ICQ, the man offered her to pay him five thousand rubles. He stated that he would otherwise distribute photos on the Internet. After the girl refused to pay, he temporarily posted photos on her personal page on the Odnoklassniki.ru website.
The girl went to the police. The administrator was arrested, and his computer was removed. He admitted committing unlawful acts. Law enforcement officers check him for involvement in other similar crimes. (C) Lenta.ru

PS: Wash a rather mean act by a sysadmin. By the way, it also scares the fact that due to the massive distribution of social networks, there will soon be many more such cases. It is clear that a smart person will hardly put his candid photos on the Internet. And if posted, it will hardly enter your password in public places. In general, social engineering is growing and thriving. I remember as a child I read a book of Kevin Mitnick and was surprised at the stories described, because you had to be smart enough to get the necessary data. Now everything is much simpler.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55335/

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