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Soviet slot machine hall invites Kyiv residents and guests of the capital

The first Soviet slot machines appeared around the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, and existed until the collapse of the USSR. From the mid-1990s, their number began to sharply decrease. One of the reasons is the crowding out of them with illegal bootlegs based on household computers (often ZX Spectrum or NES clones), and later with foreign analogues. Currently, the Soviet gaming machines are preserved only in some parks of culture and recreation and rare gaming machines that specialize in Soviet gaming machines. ( wikipedia )

I found a working hall of vintage slot machines in Kiev. In the hall you can play Soviet machine guns (crane, penalty, sniper and others), Atari, clones of NES, Sega. I was most impressed by the 1984 Atari PONG automaton, like this:

The most interesting thing is that this is not a slot machine museum at all, but a genuinely working hall. By the way, there is the “colliding cars” attraction pavilion near it, if you still remember what it is :) And from mid-April, the Soviet amusement park will start working, in which there are almost all possible instances of them, including my favorite “funny slides” .
Some more photos:

I apologize for the poor quality of the photos, my friend and I just rode a bicycle, and with us was only a Chinese cell phone camera.

The hall is open on weekends until 16:00,
in the summer will be any day of the week until 20:00.
The cost of one game on any machine - 15 kopecks. 3 UAH ($ 0.35).
The hall is located here: 50°27'40.24" 30°24'41.64"

I invite you to share other interesting places in Kiev and not only ;-)

meako : For those who want to feel the power of the Soviet gaming machines in Lviv, there is a dozen of acting halls in the Lviv cinema (Striysky Park).

Loran : In the Kharkiv Zoo at the entrance there is the same pavilion. Most machines in working condition.

alexDark : there are even two of them in Kharkov. The second is immediately to the left of the central fountain in Gorky Park. There they simply dofigischscha.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55323/

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