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as a way to learn english

Many of the readers of Habr regularly listen to different podcasts, this useful type of pastime can be made even more useful if you listen to podcasts in English.

I will share those that I subscribe to:

1) Linux Reality Podcast
mp3 - http://feeds2.feedburner.com/linuxreality
ogg - http://feeds2.feedburner.com/linuxreality-ogg
Very legible voice will be useful to those who are very bad in English, as well as those who want to learn more about Linux. Basically, the podcast is narrative, there are almost no dialogs, it is designed for novice Linux users.

2) The Web 2.0 Show
It seemed to me very relaxing, probably because of the music at the beginning, mainly foreign services and start-ups are discussed

3) Geeks & God podcast
Not a bad, a little weird podcast.
4) Healthcare IT Podcast
Health and Policy Podcast

5) Switch it
The podcast for the weaker sex, and for those who are tired of it themes (That's just the reader's laughter is awful =)

6) EZMac podcast
Makovodam, and fans of the apple! Very cool podcast, interesting and with humor!

You can also listen to audiobooks in English, although taking them is a bit more difficult because of a bunch of adjectives that may not be in your vocabulary ...
For example, I really liked The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55317/

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